Find a profitable self storage location that fills fast and cash flows even faster.

Self Storage Secrets is specifically designed to maximise operators revenue and profit 🚀 🌙

Enroll in Self Storage Secrets 3.0

Most people don't make the money they should from a self storage business … (I was one of those people) …

… AND / Or opens in a terrible location

 Back in 2012 I opened my first self storage facility called Beverley 24.



I stumbled across a great location in an under serviced market …if im completely honest there wasn't any skill in finding the site … It was sheer dumb luck on my part!!


There was no self storage course to help me find a perfect location … If the knowledge was out there they were keeping it to themselves. 


I had no idea what the difference was between a great location, a good location or even a bad location.


Luckily for me my Beverley site was in a GREAT location … Id jumped the hurdle most people struggle with without even knowing it!


BUT … It should have been a “no brainer” in creating a great income for me and my family … It wasn't! 


I didnt have the foggiest idea what i was doing … To say I was winging it is an understatement.


I just presumed I would open the facility with an advert in the Yellow Pages and customers would come running.


… Guess what happened? 


The phone didn't ring off the hook and customers were not queuing around the block. 


Crickets for the first few months … I was petrified id let my family down. 


It took 2 years to fill Beverley 24’s 7,000 sq ft of space … That SHOCKING by anyone's standards. 


BUT we were 100% full … Job done, so why weren't we making the fortunes i've heard about?


In fact our revenue was only £52,000 a year, not enough to cover the rent, rates and loan repayments. There was nothing left for wages. 


I didnt know what to do … It was impossible to increase the revenue, I was already full!  


A self storage thats 100% full is a good thing right? 


Wrong! ❌ 

I was too cheap … I’d fallen into the trap of trying to be cheaper than the competition … 


I was in a race to the bottom, and the worst thing is  …. I was winning!


I went on a sales course that changed my life … 


The trainer was going around the room asking our occupancy … I couldn't wait until he got to me …. “Hes going to be sooo impressed with me” I thought.


How wrong I could be … He simply turned to me and said …. 


“Your Obviously Too Cheap” 🤷‍♂️


Aghhhh a dagger to my heart! 


But there was light at the end of the tunnel I knew I could increase my revenue ....

Fast forward a few years and my revenue had grown by over 300% I was taking over £150,000 Per Annum! 

The best part is I was only 82% full! 

I now had a simple revenue management system and a formula that could pin point amazing self storage locations!



Self Storage Secrets ... 

Is specifically designed to give operators  and aspiring operators the expertise to not only open a self storage business ….. but to make profitable in the quickest time possible.

With Self Storage Secrets You Get :-

With Self Storage Secrets You Get:

  • A Simple Walk Through Showing You EXACTLY How I Find Sites ✅


  • My Pricing Strategy 


  • A Proven Step By Step Process That Pin Points Great Locations, so you can open a self storage with the confidence you will be profitable. My simple pricing strategy so you don't find yourself under charging and not earning the revenue you deserve 


  • Marketing strategies to get customers once open … So you know you wont open to crickets! 


  • My Cash Flow Projections, the last thing a self storage operator wants to do is run out of cash …. This will ensure this doesn't happen 


    If your not completely happy with the course you get a FULL refund 😊


  • How to open a container site for under £20K 💰


  • My secret software that helps pinpoint areas that are under serviced 👨‍💻


  • 9 Massive BONUSE Sections ... These all wont be in the winter launch 😲


  •  FREE access for 12 months to the self storage community (worth OVER £3,500)


  • My first acquisition ... How I 3X revenue and 14X profit 

The Self Storage Roadmap...


Intros ... and a BONUS to start the course off ….

BONUS = Exclusive Access To My Data Tool! 

Purchasing this course is the only way you can get access to the tool

Simply input a postcode into the tool and it will bring up -

  • Population in a chosen mileage or drivetime 
  • Average income in the area, so we can determine the implied affordability (don't worry I explain all this in the course)
  • Amount of households in the area 
  • A list of all self storage facilities in a chosen milage or drivetime 
  • A one click ability see the street view of any competition in the area so you save time and effort in scoping out your competitors 

I honestly wish a tool like this was available when I was picking my new sites, it saves so much time and gives you access to data that is difficult to access.


A Step By Step Guide How I Validate An Area Of Interest 

I cover 9 steps in this module, from overlooked details all the way to how to put in an offer… 

We finish off by showing you how to position yourself when putting in an offer is crucial!


You've found the area or areas that interest you … 

How do you find a site?

I run through the tools and websites I use to find a location giving examples of sites that i've been looking at.


Your positioning … 

Crucial to understand what you offer and your target demographic.

What sets you apart from your competition, can we enhance that Unique Selling Point.



This is something I overlooked for so many years and caused me a lot of sleepless nights and stress … I don't want the same for you! 

In this section I walk you through my actual projections for sites i've opened.

At the end of this module you will have the tools be able to do your own projections with confidence.

I also run through a potential site ive just found … 

Is it as good as it looks? We will see inside the module. 


Pricing Strategy 

Over the last few years i've refined and improved this strategy 

I've used this very strategy at Mansfield … Mansfield had over 10,000 Sq Ft let in the first 3 months. 

**Please note I am in no way saying this is the results you will hit. Mansfield was a perfect storm in many many ways!


How to get customers once we are open?

Its all very well finding the perfect location and opening a fantastic facility BUT you still have to market your site.

In this module we will go through the step by step process we did at Mansfield to ensure you dont open to crickets


Selling, Following up and Debt Procedure 

Whats the best way to sell storage?

How do we follow up?

How do we make sure we get paid?

This module answers all these questions 

This module is crucial for success 



Revenue Management 💰

My favourite section bar none!! 

I show you how we increased our revenue at our Beverley site by over 300% (with no extra units


My Secret Weapon 

A spreadsheet that lists every town in the UK by county, gives you each towns population ....

Anndddd, the amount of self storage sites in that town!

This may be the last time I ever give this out in the course!



My 1st Acquisition 

How I increased profit by 14X

Andd ... How i treble revenue


But that's not all! 😲 Oh No!


Self Storage Secrets also comes with these BONUSES to make the whole process easier...

Bonus #1: 

How to set up a self storage site for under £20,000 

Yes it is possible and im going to show you how I was going to do this exact thing in Scotland.

(Note, the landlord heard my podcast and even though we were at heads of terms decided to open himself …. Im not mad or upset, if i put out all this content its going to happen)

Bonus #2:

Dan Bradbury - Financial literacy 

 This is a 8 module course on its own.

Dan sells each of these courses for £197 plus vat ... 

This bonus alone is worth OVER £1,800 

Bonus #3:

Gavin Shields 

Founder of Stora and owner of 2 manless sites 

No one in the UK has more data about whats working and whats not in this industry

He gives us a masterclass in how to manage a remote site  

Bonus #4:

Laura Moxham... AKA Queen of PPC 

Laura Mox shows us how to run Pay Per Click Adds, what terms to use and what radius to use them

She also has a FREE gift for all course members 


Bonus #5:

A 23 Page Cheatsheet 

This cheatsheet is a step by step checklist for opening a self storage facility

What to do and when you should do it 

This alone would have saved me £1,000s when opening my sites 


Bonus #6:

 A SECRET Software 

This software is amazing!! 

Its my go to tool when finding sites! 

It shows you -

- Population in certain drive times and miles 

- It shows the demographics in said area 

- The amount of self storage in the area 

and much much more ... Its amazing and ££££'s to develop ... Its yours for FREE 

Bonus #7:

A little delve in to Facebook adds 

We show you adds that your competitors are doing RIGHT now to beat you to your customers 

Bonus #8

Doctor Doctor 

Easily find out where the problem is with your self storage business and what to do to fix it 

Bonus #9:


FREE access for 12 months to the self storage community (worth OVER £3,500) 

We will have 

- Monthly training from me or a self storage expert 

- Zoom with Dean. Q and A each month

- Access to 12 of the very best self storage experts ... Ready to assist you 

What You're Gonna Get...

What Your'e Going To Get -

Exclusive Access To My Software Tool ……………………………………………….. £3,250 Value 

My Revenue Management System ………………………..£1,100 Value 

My Sales Process …………………………………………….£1,300 Value 

Pricing Strategy………………………………………………..£ 800 Value 

A Simple Step By Step Feasibility Study ………………….. £4,500 Value 

Projections Framework ……………………………………….£500 Value

Dan Bradburys 8 modules ……………………………………£1,800 Value

Set Up a self Storage For Under £20K...................………….£3,000 Value

How to market your site …………………………………….£2,500 Value 

Spread Sheet - Every UK Town With Self Storage Sites ........... Value £1,450

23 Page Cheatsheet ..........£2,000

Laua Mox and Gavin Shields Presentations ...... Over £1,000 

Free 12 month access to the skool community ... Over £3,500


OVER £25,000

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Self Storage Business



SAVE £500! 


The course is going on sale for £2,997

OR ... 3 Equal Payments of £1,200

BUT ...


For this week only im giving OVER £500 discount!


Offer available until Saturday 5th July 5pm !!!


ONLY £2,495


The Dean Booty "No-Brainer" Guarantee

Signing up for a program like Self Storage Secrets is a big deal.

It's potentially life-altering.

But you also don't want to just throw money down the drain for a program that "might not work" or you "might never get to".

I get it. Trust me I do.

That's why I want you to make a truly informed decision.

And you can only do that once you are on the inside, actually using the program.


Try it for 30 days. Consume all the content if you want. Take advantage of everything you can for 30 days. And if you don't feel like it's the perfect program to help you reach your goals then I will personally give you a full refund. No questions asked and no hard feelings. And if you want, I'll also audit your situation and provide you my recommended path forward so you can still make progress to your goals, whether that's another program, a book, or just general advice. I want you to succeed even if it's outside of Self Storage Secrets!

In case I missed anything, here's some commonly asked questions...


Self Storage Secrets

ONLY £2,495